Under this somewhat dystopian title, lies the post-pandemic reality in which we live. It has had a lasting impact on the way we provide work and how we enforce completed professional tasks. Working in a hybrid or completely remote model is standard in many industries. Before 2020, such a model was completely rejected by many companies and few employers considered it.
The reality of 2023 brings further challenges. Negative economic and geopolitical signals: high inflation, a war whose end we cannot predict – are not security-building factors. Both on the part of the employer and the employee. The topic of employee layoffs is increasingly being raised in the media.
When faced with such situations, considerations arise: “As a hybrid employee or one who works 100% in a remote model, I am less visible than those who come to the office every day. Can my work performance really be evaluated similarly?”
Despite the excellent lessons and mostly passed exams on managing in remote working conditions, managers still have problems managing work in “mixed” conditions (some working stationary, some remotely). HR departments should be sensitized to this. Imagine a situation in which it is necessary to reduce the team. Will it be easier to reduce a remote worker or one who comes to the office every day? Are there risk factors that efficiency criteria will take a back seat?
It is not difficult to imagine a situation in which in many organizations the model of remote or efficient working will disappear quickly. In all likelihood, these will be organizations that may begin to fall behind in the competitive race.
Remote workers should be equal team members: with equal access to information, equal requirements and assessment of how to achieve them. This requires a lot of skills from managers. For such challenges, you also need the right HRTech practices and tools to support them.
What about our mentality? Managers often have limited trust in employees, and are unable to evaluate the results of their work. It is easier for them to evaluate an employee whose work they physically see every day. Shaping managerial skills in this area is a significant HR challenge all the time. Education on how to set goals for longer periods, but also short ones – for the next few hours – is key.
How can Skillveo, the largest employee development platform, help with these challenges? With an advanced online platform:
– you will build a uniform onboarding process in your work, regardless of the form of work provision,
– You will give equal access to training opportunities,
– you equally enforce familiarization with the knowledge required of employees,
– you will prepare career paths transparent, fair and at the same time with the freedom to shape for individualized needs,
– you will strengthen the integration of teams through gamification functionalities and the involvement of managers in development processes.
It is the responsibility of HR departments to enable managers to develop in setting and evaluating the goals they pursue at the individual level. Regardless of where the work is provided. We should exclude from our vocabulary the question of where we work, and focus on the question of how we deliver results. And this is a completely different level of competence, organizational culture and tools.
Find out how to provide your employees with professional online training on the Skillveo platform – schedule a demo!